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Donate to OGA

In addition to producing an annual newsletter and organising a reunion lunch, the Association has helped with special projects, and over the years has been able to give an assortment of gifts to the school. Awards are given each year to the Junior School, to the Head Girl in the Senior School and to the recipients of the OGA Kirby Prize for Community Service and the OGA Macaulay Travel Award. Contributions have been made towards the Sixth Form Leavers’ Ball. Donations have also been given to charities in memory of former members.

All this was made possible through past membership fees and donations generously given to the organisation. These awards will continue to be made as long as there are funds to do so.

Donations may be made by contacting the Alumnae Relations Officer at Blackheath High School direct. 

Blackheath High School Old Girls' Association
Blackheath High School Old Girls' Association

c/o Blackheath High School
Vanbrugh Park
London SE3 7AG


Blackheath High School
Girls' Day School Trust